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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK

location-map Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK | (808) 427 1485

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Addiction tears families apart, through the process of Intervention, Recovery Coaching, Individualized treatment for substance abuse, sexual compulsion, infidelity, and the loved ones impacted. . We provide a compassionate and non-judgmental environment that fosters healing and insight. I have decades of experience, and know what it takes to get you and your loved on a path to healing. Whatever crises you are experiencing, We can help you find solutions. Please don't hesitate to call for a free consultation to see if we are a good fit. I offer teletherapy/video only in Alaska. I work with couples on their communication skills, setting boundaries, and making choices that support their relationship rather than undermining it. I believe that if both parties are willing to do the work necessary to rebuild trust, to take responsibility for the damage caused by their behaviors, and to forgive. I work with couples on their communication skills, setting boundaries, and making choices that support their relationship rather than undermining it. I believe that if both parties are willing to do the work necessary to rebuild trust, to take responsibility for the damage caused by their behaviors, and to forgive.