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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Escambia, AL
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Escambia , AL | (334) 731 7264
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I believe one of the bravest things you can do is begin to understand your own story. Most people view therapy as a one sided conversation, with minimal opportunity for interaction. I want to help you accomplish whatever solutions and life changes you are seeking while enjoying the process as much as possible. Simply put, therapy does not always have to be a painful experience. Reaching out to a therapist can be intimidating, but I hope you will take a moment (and maybe a couple of deep breaths) to call and see how I can help you. View 4 Photos Our lives are too short to give in to bad relationships, let past or current trauma control us, or to allow anxious/angry thoughts to consume us. I would love to see you be free of your emotional pain, able to deal with what life throws you, and to find your meaning/purpose in relationships, work, family, friendships, and all other areas of your life. During my time as a therapist I have helped individuals find understanding and healing in desperate situations. My personal goal is to help my clients develop the skills needed to overcome what brought them to therapy. I always encourage clients to adapt this mantra, "Beyond the fear is freedom". Reach out today for more information.
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