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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bella Vista, AR

location-map Bella Vista, AR | (479) 668 3423

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You are so incredibly valuable. You deserve a life free from fear, anxiety, and depression. But, like drops of water in a bucket, negative experiences have a way of building up over time. The inability to empty our bucket causes us to feel overwhelmed by our thoughts, emotions and the world around us. Right now, as you read this, I want you to imagine what it might feel like to find freedom and to put down the burdens you're carrying. Imagine what it might be like for your past to no longer control you or for your future to contain hope instead of dread. Come in, let's talk and let an experienced guide point you towards possibility. To assist in your journey, I'm always seeking to expand my skills. In addition to the standard therapeutic training, I'm also a Clinical Certified Trauma Professional and utilize EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Combined with these techniques, I'll help you unlock the power of developing self-awareness and self-compassion. As part of Chenal Family Therapy PLC, I consult with our team of therapists and psychiatrists who specialize in different issues, ensuring that all possible treatment approaches are considered. If we encounter problems outside my areas of expertise, I can provide seamless referrals, including testing and medication management, to get you the help you need.

location-map Bella Vista, AR | (479) 802 4258

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I am passionate about working with couples, families, and individuals who are looking to make changes in their lives. I am honored when I am invited to come alongside someone to hear their story and move with them toward a positive change and balance. I have a Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy. I currently am a Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Associate Counselor in the state of Arkansas. I also have been trained in Couples Communication course and EMDR Therapy, which is an evidence-based treatment for all types of trauma. As part of Chenal Family Therapy PLC, I consult with our team of therapists and psychiatrists who specialize in different issues, ensuring that all possible treatment approaches are considered. If we encounter problems outside my areas of expertise, I can provide seamless referrals, including testing and medication management, to get you the help you need.