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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cave Springs, AR

location-map Cave Springs, AR | (479) 239 9769

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Do you struggle with sadness, depression, relationship issues, anxiety, or stress? My mission is to help you feel deeply understood and connected as you gain awareness of how your rational mind, core emotions, and body are inextricably linked. I know that reaching out for professional help can be difficult for many. That is why I have developed a practice that is kind and compassionate. My long experience has taught me that therapy must be dynamic, interactive, non-judgmental, along with a healthy sense of humor. I take a whole-person, integrative approach based on my years of education, training, and experience in psychotherapy, psychology, health and wellness, mental health disorders, and addictions. Together we can develop a new understanding of who you are, thereby discovering and encouraging the tools that will allow you to build on your strengths and heal. If my approach sounds like a good fit for you, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation. We will work as a team to identify and affect the specific change you need to address your particular concerns.