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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Heber Springs, AR

location-map Heber Springs, AR | (501) 590 9200

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Are you struggling? If yes, I can help you find answers. I also work with couples in crisis and provide marriage therapy & counseling for those who are thinking about ending the relationship, but are confused and don't know what they want. My expertise is helping you out of the confusion in a way that is in the best interest of you and your family. I am extensively trained in the treatment of trauma and can help you get to the roots of why your life isn't working. Also, for those in the military, I've a special place in my heart for you. (see below) Relationships, codependency, trauma, mid-life crisis, grief ... are my primary specialties. I have the tools, answers and a plan for those in the fog of confusion that these situations bring. When this happens to you, you need a therapist who feels passionately about it, and who does this work daily. I help individuals get healthy, and guide couples to work through the heat and confusion of marital crisis. For the grief stricken, know that I lost my son in the Afghanistan war - I know loss firsthand. If you want answers, you have found the right therapist.

location-map Heber Springs, AR | (013) 002 6562

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Do you struggle to find answers to the big questions in your life? Does your ability to enjoy the present get hijacked by memories from your past or fears about your future? Do you experience strange physical feelings or intrusive emotions that feel like they're beyond your control and that your doctor can’t explain? All these may be evidence of unresolved trauma, grief or unexplored emotions that,once addressed, can lead to clarity and freedom. Through the use of trauma-focused therapy, Brainspotting and a mix of expressive art therapy techniques, I help clients embark on a healing journey to find and unlock their creative and true inner self. As part of Chenal Family Therapy PLC, I consult with our team of therapists and psychiatrists who specialize in different issues, ensuring that all possible treatment approaches are considered. If we encounter problems outside my areas of expertise, I can provide seamless referrals, including testing and medication management, to get you the help you need.