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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Camp Verde, AZ

location-map Camp Verde, AZ | (602) 497 3590

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I have been practicing in the Substance abuse and Mental Health arena since 2007. I have a Master’s in Professional Counseling and a Masters in Addiction Counseling. I have the following Certifications/ Licensure: LAADC-CA, LISAC-AZ, LCDC-TX, LADC II, MCAP-FL and SAP. I specialize in Addiction Treatment but also Co-Occurring issues that may have had a role in substance abuse. Ages 16 and older are my focus group and with all concerns from PTSD, gender dysphoria, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. My approach is a combination of CBT, REBT, MI, HARM Reduction and Therapeutic Community. I have treatment experience in the following settings: Residential, Inpatient, Outpatient, Court Ordered, Prison, and Psychiatric Facilities. I enjoy building rapport and helping others to achieve their goals towards recovery and offering new insights towards their goals.