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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Casa Grande, AZ

location-map Casa Grande, AZ | (520) 251 9548

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We often get stuck behind defenses, that for a long time have kept us safe, but have become to big to let us live. I would like to tell you that you can begin to live again, it can be scary step into life after needing the defenses. It has take so much strength to get you where you are now, this is just another step in your journey. The goal is to work together to clarify the path empower you to confidently live your life in the most meaningful way possible. I specialize in the treatment of the effects of trauma. Using a Forward Facing approach I encourage people that they can live a meaningful and fulfilling life no matter what you have been through. I also use Acceptance commitment Therapy (ACT) approach, for those that are feeling stuck in their lives guide people to a meaningful life. I will meet you where you're at to provide the most comfortable experience possible to get you started living your life in a more meaningful and fulfilling way. Online counseling if desired. We will determine the most effective and convenient way to get the help you need in the first meeting.