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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gold Canyon, AZ

location-map Gold Canyon, AZ | (520) 277 2378

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During this very challenging time of communities chaos, personal and career transitions and uncertainties, we are all seeking comfort, understanding, welcoming connection, and joining something that is both meaningful and personally fulfilling and safe to participate in. We seek others that can identify with our own experiences, our fears, and our perceived solutions. We feel guarded and suspicious, and alone and sometimes forgotten. We blame ourselves for feeling depressed or anxious, grief and heartbroken for our families, our future, and work environments. We want to work harder to feel better and yet, continue to struggle. I am an experienced, older therapist with diverse and varied tools to assist with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other trauma, family and business confusion or conflict, couple tension and life's transitions, as well as with avoidant behaviors to include every type of addiction and grief and loss of all types. I welcome individuals, families and businesses. I work with unconditional positive regard for all issues that arrive with you or your group. I offer a place for you to have a voice for listening to your experience, to accept your "good, bad & ugly," and consider finding a safer, more loving and unconditional place with yourself and primary group of community that accepts, supports, and loves you.