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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Santa Cruz, AZ

location-map Santa Cruz , AZ | (520) 779 4268

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English  |  español Life doesn't come with a manual and many times, the challenges we face can surmount or feel so large they get in the way of who we are and who we want to be. Our hearts know that maybe things aren't right, but we are often operating with high stress and little time to hold space for our feelings. We default to what we know and often what we know is either hurting us or is in some way lending a hand to the challenges we are facing. Although we are surrounded by people on a daily basis, the truth is it is difficult to connect with others. So the world becomes this place that is unbearably loud but lonely and we struggle to find peace. My belief is that we need each other to learn, to grow, to thrive. I seek to create a connection with you where you can feel understood, heard, and valued. I don't presume to know all the answers to the universe nor can I guarantee that life will be perfect. I do believe that the answers you seek may be within you and that is always an honor to facilitate. Life is a journey and there will be times when it gets hard. In those moments, therapy can be a useful tool to help you discover the answers to the dilemmas that are impeding your success. If you are ready, I look forward to joining you on that journey, for it is during the most difficult times that one discovers some of our greatest strengths.