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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Avila Beach, CA
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Avila Beach, CA | (805) 628 4101

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When your life is disappointing you and your days are filled with anger and resentment and you can't sleep because you worry how you are going to keep faking you've got it all together and are happy, you begin to question whether you can take it anymore. I help you discover the choices which work for you to start living a congruent authentic life where your relationships and desires are in line with your values and beliefs. You don't have to just take it. Schedule an appointment today to discuss how therapy can help you blossom and thrive. I work with HSP individuals and business professionals living a life of high stress and limited meaning, unable to balance work, relaxation and relationships; Couples struggling to stay committed to their marriage yet can't afford to leave. Individuals experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression, shame or grief. I am also a somatic experiencing practitioner. If you want to understand yourself better and live a joyful, authentic, worthwhile life call me for a complimentary 15 minute consultation to discuss how therapy can be a catalyst for discovering healing.

Avila Beach, CA | (805) 519 7590

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Are you feeling like you are in a big life transition? Struggling with anxiety or depression?, Experiencing a big loss? Desiring to better communicate and connect with your loved ones? I provide a warm, safe, and non-judgmental space to explore and experience your inner life paying attention to what is essential. I practice from a depth somatic psychotherapy frame. I introduce psychodynamic and somatic method working directly in and through your body including mindfulness, breath work, conversation, imagination and humor. In my work exploration, promotes insight and awareness, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation As each person is unique, my approach is process oriented and responsive to your own situation, needs, experience, background, and culture. During sessions, by engaging in an embodied process, it reveals to you how your body, nervous system, thoughts, dreams, memory, and imagination are interconnected and may be used for healing. Therapy offers the opportunity to collaborate, reflect and clear your inner experience to unlock your strength and wisdom within. We can work together to relieve pain, explore your inner life and cultivate clarity, as well as the access to your fullest potential. It is an honor and a privilege to support you in the journey.

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