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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Canyon Country, CA

location-map Canyon Country, CA | (818) 532 5436

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Energy follows thought. What are your thoughts? Do you have self-defeating negative mental chatter? Do you have habits, fears, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, which hinder you from being "all you can be"? As a hypnotherapist I use hypnosis as part of a multidisciplinary approach to help my clients rewrite the stories in their sub-conscious mind. I also employ my 30 plus years as a Shamanic Healer to assist my clients in being all they were created to be. Reiki and Chakra balancing are also employed when appropriate. Powerful assistance comes with Past Life Regression and Soul Retrieval. View 6 Photos I assist my clients with a wide variety of issues: grief /loss, unhappiness, forgiveness of self/others, relationship/communication strategies, insomnia, stress reduction, smoking cessation, performance, menopause, weight loss, eating disorders, fears and phobias, confidence/self-esteem, procrastination, ADHD, pain management, fertility, anxiety, trauma/PTSD, IBS, and other blocks. In addition to being a certified Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Healer, I am a published author, an ordained minister, artist, and communication teacher. My office is in Santa Clarita off the 14 Freeway. I conduct phone-sessions for clients unable to meet in person.