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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Diamond Bar, CA

location-map Diamond Bar, CA | (323) 827 8450

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You struggling with negative self-talk, you are your harshest critic, and you’re ready to make a change because you see how that gets in your way. Whether you have anxiety, depression, or are struggling in your relationships, you know that you want to be living differently and you’re just not sure how to make a change for yourself. You're discouraged from continuing towards your dreams a and want a trauma-informed and culturally sensitive therapist who really sees you and hears you. You want nothing more than to feel confident in yourself and live a life that is aligned with your values. You've come to the right place. As a trauma-informed and culturally-sensitive therapist, I understand that therapy needs to be individually tailored to your specific needs. You and I will discuss what your goals are and work collaboratively to decide on how we will move forward with treatment. I offer services that are rooted in social justice and evidenced based practices. As a therapist who sees a therapist myself, I know how scary it can feel to ask for support and I am so proud of you for taking the first step. If you think I might be of help to you or someone you know, call or email for a free consultation!