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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In El Dorado Hills, CA

location-map El Dorado Hills, CA | (916) 242 5949

Current Waitlist Only

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We do our best to cope, but sometimes we need a little help. Let me help you take the next step. I work with clients in a collaborative relationship to create lasting positive change. Together we can alleviate your emotional suffering, identify your strengths, change old patterns, increase self-compassion, formulate goals, strengthen coping skills, enhance relationships, navigate transitions, and make life meaningful and fulfilling. Wherever you are in your process will be our starting point. I am accepting clients with Kaiser insurance as I am a contractor. See the insurance tab for all insurances I accept. Visit: Everyone struggles with feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or hopeless sometimes. Therapy during those times can be deeply healing and transformative. Some of the techniques I use are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). I specialize in anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, and PTSD. Attachment (how we relate to others) and trauma-informed care (how our body and mind respond to stress) are important to understand. I have 20+ years of experience and love my profession. Don't let insurance be a barrier, there are many options. Email me to set up a phone call to start your journey to a healthier you. I look forward to hearing from you!

location-map El Dorado Hills, CA | (916) 252 5765

Accepting New Clients

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Now accepting new referrals (as of 12/2023) for Teens, Adults, & EMDR (a trauma therapy technique). Parents: Are you worried about your teenager? Do they seem stressed, anxious, or depressed? Or Are they just driving you crazy?!? Adults: Are you living the life you want to live? Or Is stress, anxiety, or grief getting in the way? Are you, “in your head” a lot, ruminating about your relationships? work or school? the future? I’d like to help. I’m an experienced, licensed psychotherapist whose been in full-time private practice with teens, adults, and families for over 12 years. In addition to talk therapy, I also offer EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is a research based treatment for trauma. EMDR sessions can really help move through concerns including abuse, grief, bullying, and phobias. Both teens and adults have benefited from EMDR treatment in seeing faster, longer lasting therapeutic results. It's wonderful that you're taking that important first step to get some support. I have weekday daytime and evening hours, with offices in Sacramento and in El Dorado Hills, CA. Find out more on my website at, or contact me today so we can talk further about whether therapy with me is a good fit for you or your family member.

location-map El Dorado Hills, CA | (916) 538 1683

Accepting New Clients

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Finding you here, means you are looking for answers, for purpose, for reasons, for meaning. You feel sadness, you feel rage, you feel fear, AND sometimes you feel NOTHING, you feel emptiness, numbness, you feel a deep void. You're disconnected from everything that brings you life, the things that bring you joy, the people you love, but most of all you are disconnected from your SELF. Whether you are in the throes of anxiety or depression, moving through a traumatic experience, working to repair your relationships or coping with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), you are brave for reaching out and we are here to help. View 13 Photos No one person’s story is the same as the next and no one path leads to all healing and order. Here you will find a variety of options to move forward with therapy and finding the support you need. Whether you are looking for a one time guide to start you on your journey of healing or an accountability partner to make sure you stay on your path, we can help. It is inevitable that we all endure periods of difficulty at some point in our lives. You're here because you've made a decision that something has to change. Something within is moving you to find your way back to your Self. Whatever route you took to get here, whatever path you have been traveling on, brought you here for a purpose. Let's find it.