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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Los Alamitos, CA

location-map Los Alamitos, CA | (714) 489 5810

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By providing a safe space to openly share their stories and uncover barriers, I have helped many individuals and couples successfully work through challenging issues. Working together I help my clients effectively gain understanding, insight, and skills necessary to change patterns resulting in increased competency and confidence. I am passionate about helping people discover personal strengths and the barriers that interfere with their opportunity to live their best lives. I have over 25 years experience addressing issues related to Parenting, Adolescence, Marriage, Divorce, Grief and Loss, Anxiety, and Childhood Trauma. With specialized training and experience I have been working with teens and their families as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. I have spent the last 10 years assisting couples increase connection and compassion within their relationships and have helped individuals work through issues related negative patterns that impact their relationships. Finding the right therapist is essential, as trust and connection are vital to the effectiveness of the therapy. I am happy to meet for a free in-person consultation so we can discover if I am the right therapist for you. If you make the call today you can start the process of change for tomorrow.

location-map Los Alamitos, CA | (657) 530 6773

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Hi, I'm Molly. I'm a maternal mental health therapist and the founder of Poppy Therapy, where I help new moms and moms who want to find meaning and courage in all of the big transitions, emotions, and decisions that come with motherhood. If you had a traumatic birth, are recovering from a NICU stay, have a child with food allergies, or finding yourself facing depression and anxiety, this is probably NOT what you expected. I’m here to help you find confidence, calm, and connection in motherhood so you can BLOOM. View 6 Photos Book now through this link: - - All moms need and deserve support in motherhood and the transition to motherhood. I specialize in treating anxiety and trauma. I am trained in EMDR for reproductive trauma (like pregnancy loss, birth trauma, NICU stays, and breastfeeding difficulties). Motherhood in the early years is a season of growth and transformation. At Poppy Therapy, I’m here to help you navigate shifting ground beneath your feet and fully step into a motherhood that fits your values, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. I can help you embrace changes and challenges as a chance to grow and transform. Let’s see you BLOOM in motherhood.

location-map Los Alamitos, CA | (562) 608 1145

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Robert is a passionate clinician eager to walk alongside you. Robert has worked with children, teens and adults across many different life stages. Robert is particularly passionate about walking alongside teenagers and adults as they navigate through significant life transitions and the stress that come with them supporting them as grow in their identities. Robert is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is a model that emphasizes the connections between our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Robert is also passionate about the utilization of a psychodynamic approach, allowing the individual to actively unravel, experience and understand their true deep-rooted feelings and beliefs. Robert has worked in community mental health for the last 5 years engaging with diverse populations, ages and diagnosis. He is eager to connect with you, and support you on your journey. Reach out today!

location-map Los Alamitos, CA | (562) 306 0269

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I have been in the mental health field for over 15 years. My many years of experience have allowed me to strengthen my clinical skills and develop my clinical expertise in helping you to achieve your unique goals. I continue to educate myself on the most up-to-date clinical research and I implement an evidence based clinical approach. Some of these models include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness practice and more. I have provided clinical care to countless individuals, families and couples. In treatment, I can help you increase your self-worth, work though depression, ease anxiety and more. View 5 Photos My expertise can assist you in processing past childhood traumas and working through the bereavement process (grief and loss). I provide a safe space for my clients where together we can explore meaningful change and break free from destructive behaviors and belief patterns. It brings great joy to me to be part of your healing journey and to create with you a life changing therapeutic relationship. I have seen clients struggle and come out on the other end happier and empowered over their lives. To see if my style and approach is the right fit for you call for a free consultation. For more info visit my website.