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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mendocino, CA

location-map Mendocino , CA | (707) 876 0615

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People come to therapy for all kinds of reasons; whether the issue is relationship problems, depression, anxiety, stress, or life's major transitions. Therapy is often useful in helping us discover how to have more satisfying relationships, or how to develop skills that will serve us well when we decide to change careers, for example. When you truly are heard and understood, you can become your best self. I can help you discover your unique talents and strengths so you can use them to live the fulfilling life you want. I can help you target those areas of your life where you feel "stuck" or notice yourself repeating unhelpful patterns, whether they are the result of PTSD, or the accumulation of stress and anxiety. I am expert at helping people relax, seeing things from another point of view, and unraveling the mysteries of the mind-body connection. Whether you're struggling with being "social" again after the long pandemic, feeling overwhelmed by stress or grief, or just needing to relax and/or connect more fully to your passions and purpose in life, I'm here to help. Life is stressful, so I offer flexible days and times. Reach out to me and see how easy it is to schedule a Telehealth appointment.