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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Morgan Hill, CA

location-map Morgan Hill, CA | (408) 709 7944

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As I complete this profile, I’m struggling with labeling myself in some categories: the human experience & connectedness can be much deeper than some similarities. It is usually at a vulnerable time in our lives that we seek therapy. Though life can be beautiful, we can also encounter different challenges that hinder our ability to enjoy life, our relationships, growth, and our optimal potential. My goal to provide a supportive and safe environment that allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, behaviors (patterns), experiences, and their connections to one another, as you seek resolution for the issues that bring to therapy. My professional experience includes extensive work with children, youth, and families in the Santa Clara Behavioral Health Dept. I have also worked with survivors of DV and trauma (adults and children/youth). My areas of specialty & training are in trauma, birth-5, parenting, and extensive work in the area of eating disorders, specifically AN. I am fully bilingual (Spanish/English), and bicultural. Soy completamente bilingüe y bicultural.