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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Porter Ranch, CA

location-map Porter Ranch, CA | (747) 207 3286

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I am a licensed clinical social worker with an undergraduate degree in psychology. I always work to achieve a compassionate, judgment free therapeutic environment. Many issues can be improved through increasing self-esteem, learning healthy communication skills, sharpening conflict resolution abilities and being able to accept love and support from others. I use solution and evidence-based therapies to enhance the mental and emotional well-being of each and every one of my clients. Organically, throughout our time together, clients will come to know that I am passionately dedicated to them. I specialize in Cognitive Behavioral, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I work with clients of all ages with a variety of presenting issues. I have 8 years experience working with young adults suffering from addiction and mood/personality disorders, and I always strive to give my clients the tools to use for many years into the future. It takes courage to embark on the experience of bettering one’s life. My clients come to know that I’m truly on their side; however, as time goes by, they also become aware that I can challenge them. I strive to become the gentle but strong presence in their lives, the one they look to who finally may know some of the answers to their life’s questions.