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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In San Clemente, CA

location-map San Clemente, CA | (949) 647 4897

Accepting New Clients

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Self-exploration continues throughout our lives. Our efforts to find peace and self-fulfillment can be accomplished through introspection and processing. I employ a variety of therapy modalities that assist with the exploration process in a manner that feels comfortable and safe, leading to those moments of understanding and acceptance. Art and EMDR Therapy combined can assist with reaching a deeper level of self-awareness in a non-threatening manner, and also allows for reprocessing recent and past traumatic experiences. With a willingness towards self-awareness, both modalities can be utilized to achieve ideal adjustment. View 3 Photos I offer a creative combination of Art and EMDR Therapy, in addition to traditional talk therapy. My over-arching approach is to bolster strengths and resources with a focus on increasing self-kindness and acceptance, decreasing self-criticism and blame. At times I provide take-home exercises and resources that can be utilized outside of session time. Creative problem solving and self exploration, including becoming aware of and working through trauma, can assist in moving us forward in our lives, ultimately overcoming obstacles and towards desired outcomes. The work in therapy adds to the existing foundation in achieving your best self. My approach is client-centered. Available openings for new clients.

location-map San Clemente, CA | (949) 835 5362

Accepting New Clients

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Thank you for taking the first step toward self discovery, transformation and greater well being. Life can present us with various challenges yet within every difficulty lies an opportunity for growth. As a dedicated and empathetic therapist, my mission is to provide a warm, non-judgmental environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. View 7 Photos I bring 17 years of experience and a genuine passion for helping individuals navigate the complexities of life. My therapeutic approach is collaborative and tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're seeking support for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, I am here to assist you. I recognize the strength it takes to embark on a therapeutic journey, and I am committed to providing a safe and confidential space where you can explore, heal, and thrive. Your story is important, and I am here to listen, support, and guide you towards a more fulfilling life.