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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Siskiyou, CA

location-map Siskiyou , CA | (530) 461 5891

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Many people come to therapy because they've run out of ways to help themselves feel better. They have read books, watched videos, and talked with friends - but they still feel lost, hurt, sad, angry, alone. Therapy is a collaborative journey of self-discovery that offers a connection with someone who is present with you, listens to your needs, and can help you develop tools to improve the way you live, cope, heal, and grow. My style of relating is compassionate, genuine, and direct. I offer a warm, safe, thought-provoking space to hear and explore the life experiences that have led to your current emotional circumstances. I utilize a trauma informed, humanistic approach with the belief that all people have the capacity to make meaningful and lasting change. As you begin your healing journey, my intent is to help facilitate an exploration of values and goals that can guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself, while allowing you to cultivate more joy, connection, and authenticity into your life. Accepting new clients in CA and OR with Beacon, Partnership, Medi-Cal, Jackson Care Connect, and OHP Open Card.

location-map Siskiyou , CA | (530) 203 8038

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Welcome to Positive Change Psychological Services. I am Stephen Davis, Psy.D. I am currently a small mental health private practice looking to serve the mental health needs of adults in my community. My practice specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, past trauma, and difficult life changes. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, helplessness, and hopelessness: I am confident that in working together, we can accomplish these goals. Together, we can explore the origins of your challenges, develop individualized treatment goals, develop a more holistic/healthy self-image, and develop effective coping strategies. My goal for my clients is to help them make positive changes in their lives. I believe in the healing power of a therapeutic relationship and use psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and dialectical behavioral therapies in my practice. Through therapy, we can work to identify strengths and gain mastery over your emotional lives. Life is full of challenges — some we can manage and some we need help. These challenges appear as depression, anxiety, self-doubt, worry, fear, and addiction. These challenges do not like to be ignored and pop up unexpectedly in our lives. They are often uncomfortable, scary, and paralyzing. Through therapy, you can gain mastery over these challenges.