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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tulare, CA
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LMFT122484 | California
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I take an integrative approach which tailors’ psychotherapy with clients’ needs. I draw from my experience; take a client-centered approach; use evidence-based practices which is grounded in research to foster change; use a systemic approach which explores families and those who are engaged in the relationship to foster healing and personal goal setting. I also specialize in psychological evaluations for immigration cases. If you have a need for evaluations, I’d welcome hearing from you. With my approach I tailor the assessment to the particular needs of each case. Certified in EMDR, reduces symptoms of PTSD. Couple's Institute trained, an integrated approach with couples issues. Institute for Relational Intimacy trained for sex and intimacy issues. Cooperative Parenting and Divorce, trained, provide co-parenting sessions. Experience with a multi-disciplinary team including psychiatrists and medical professionals. I have experience working with difficult populations; severe and persistent disorders, including clients transitioning after psychiatric hospitalizations, actively suicidal clients with dual diagnosis. Seeking Safety trained, provide a compassionate, structured approach necessary to increase reducing and/or maintaining sobriety.
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