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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In West Covina, CA

location-map West Covina, CA | (714) 844 5281

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My therapeutic approach mainly focuses on helping my clients identify their strengths to help alleviate anxiety, depression, and trauma. I am a firm believer that our childhood experiences contribute to our beliefs, behavioral patterns, and selecting a romantic partner. Therapy is a process! To allow ourselves to be intimate and vulnerable with someone about our experiences and trauma can be daunting. As a therapist, it is my goal to help validate, create a safe environment and help understand aspects of lived experiences. My extensive clinical training includes working with children, teenagers, and adults with anxiety, depression, and family/childhood trauma. In addition, I have worked with couples who have experienced relational conflicts, extramarital affairs, and sexual difficulties. I also specialize in therapy that focuses on the relationship between the child and parents. I am trained in CBT, EMDR, Gottman method, & Attachment Based Therapy. My area of therapeutic focus stems from the belief that if we learn to narrate our stories and our past, we can begin the process of healing. Please book a free consultation.