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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Canon City, CO

location-map Canon City, CO | (720) 627 6670

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I offer individual and family therapy in a variety of settings; including an office in Canon City and a mountain ranch near Guffey, depending on your interest and comfort level. I am committed to providing quality therapy, with a unique and individualized treatment approach. Check out my website for more information View 16 Photos My passion is helping people to create a life worth living and empowering them to heal from trauma. I specialize in equine assisted psychotherapy and animal assisted therapy, where the human-animal bond is the vehicle for change and healing. I also provide many "traditional" treatment approaches, if you prefer not working with animals. I help people of all ages work through a variety of emotional, behavioral, and relational challenges. Animals are amazing healers, and can help people who are struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues.

location-map Canon City, CO | (719) 257 7099

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As a licensed Mental Health and Addiction Counselor, I'm deeply committed to helping you break down the barriers that trouble you, and live a brighter and more fulfilling life. My ideal client is open and honest. I want you to feel that you are getting the most out of your sessions! Since 2006, I’ve helped individuals face life’s challenges by helping them understand their own emotional patterns and direct them towards making the right choices. My approach is to meet you where you’re at and work with you to accomplish your goals. I use an integrative approach based on my client’s needs. Whatever your reason for seeking out psychotherapy, I’m dedicated to helping you find your way to better mental health. I want to provide a judgment free environment where you can openly talk about and work though difficult things. Book your first appointment to get started on your journey towards the life you deserve!

location-map Canon City, CO | (719) 974 4667

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What would it be like to restore the relationship that you used to have? Do you remember the connection, the intimacy, the friendship? Chances are that you are stuck in patterns that repeat. You fight over the same things, over and over again. You have lost passion. And the relationship needs rescue. We will work to uncover the negative patterns in your relationship. And we will create new ways of connecting and rekindling love. Great client fit for me is the couple that is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Are you there yet? You can find my profile on Headway and Sondermind. Therapy is an active team effort. To have a successful outcome, it takes openness and vulnerability. I will guide you in setting vivid goals based on your values and hold you accountable for progress toward those goals. I will bring my knowledge of what works in relationships and help you apply it in daily interactions. You bring you; ready for change. I look forward to speaking with you about the challenges you are facing. Please know that I too have faced family and personal challenges. I understand what it to feel alone, confused, afraid and unloved. Trust that there is great dignity in seeking help. Please text or call and we can chat more and determine our fit to work together. Action is bravery.