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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fort Collins, CO
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Fort Collins, CO | (970) 427 2953
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I specialize in couples therapy, healing trauma, and child/play therapy. In couples therapy, we will break the pattern that is keeping you and your partner isolated from connecting with one another in the ways that you deeply desire. In this process, you and your partner will gain empathy and an intimate understanding of one another and your most vulnerable emotions. You can expect to improve your communication and intimacy within a new pattern of relating that fosters a secure, safe, and satisfying bond. I love couples work because it is so rewarding to help couples build intimacy, communicate better, heal trust, and thrive. I also enjoy working with individual clients who are stuck in unhelpful patterns, have experienced trauma and emotional pain, and want to grow a healthy sense of self. As a Certified Trauma Professional, I am passionate about helping my clients break out of the harmful narratives and patterns that keep them trapped so that they can feel true happiness again. My work with children includes a blend of Child-Centered and Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapies to help children foster self-responsibility, self-esteem/self-worth, emotional regulation, healthy boundaries, positive school and family relationships, as well as to recover from anxiety and related disorders, challenging life events, trauma, or abuse.
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