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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lone Tree, CO
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Lone Tree, CO | (720) 802 9796
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Does the world seem gray, less joyful or overwhelming at times? Are you less focused and feeling weights on your chest? Is it hard to manage stress in your life or is your mood lower than you desire? Are you anticipating or have you lost an important person, struggling with infertility, a traumatic event or gone through a major transition that is knocking you off balance? Are you down, exhausted or stressed about your life and need help to find sure ground again? Do you need someone who can introduce hope and life into a situation that feels hopeless? Katie as been working as a counselor for over 17 years. She is both knowledgeable and compassionate to the pain of those she works with. Katie specializes in Mood disorders, Anxiety/Stress, Grief and loss work, infertility and Trauma. She is trained from Columbia University’s Center for Complicated Grief and is a Certified Trauma Therapist. I have hope that each person can find life, regardless of the painful experiences they have lived through. It is my passion for every individual to find this fullness for themselves. I am committed to walking with each person as they find hope and life again.
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