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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In San Miguel, CO
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San Miguel , CO | (970) 759 0533
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Welcome to Thrive Wellness, Elizabeth Davis, LCSW, and Mesa Owen, SWC. Our therapeutic approach is rooted in a trauma-informed perspective, ensuring a safe and empathetic space for healing. We are dedicated to guiding you through challenges and fostering growth. We specialize in evidence-based therapies that can transform your life. Internal Family Systems (IFS) allows us to explore the different facets of your inner self, promoting self-awareness and healing. EMDR helps process and heal from trauma, unlocking emotional resilience. DBT equips you with essential skills to manage emotions and relationships effectively. Ages 4 & up Our approach is practical, focusing on skills that empower you to navigate life's complexities with confidence. Together, we'll work on developing tangible coping strategies to apply to various situations, fostering resilience and self-efficacy. We believe everyone deserves access to quality mental health care. We accept a range of insurance plans. We believe in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Our practice emphasizes whole health, recognizing mental wellness is deeply intertwined with physical well-being and creativity, which has a unique way of fostering healing and self-expression. If you resonate with creative outlets such as art, and writing, we can integrate those modalities.
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