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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Steamboat Springs, CO

location-map Steamboat Springs, CO | (970) 440 2736

Accepting New Clients

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Many of us have experienced talk therapy where we discuss our problems and past. Unfortunately, sometimes this therapy hasn't included concrete ways to help us change how we manage these problems and create a life of joy. The good news is that there ARE skills and tools that every one of us can learn and integrate into our lives so that we are able to better navigate what the world throws at us! Anxiety, depression, overwhelm, perfectionism, addiction, relationship difficulties, and more can be addressed by learning how to regulate emotion, better tolerate distress, and live mindfully. Join Dr. Jill in learning these skills. Dr. Jill Rubinstein brings a rich history in education and adult learning to her work as a dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) coach. Jill has presented on using DBT in schools at a national level and has seamlessly integrated her experience in the education system with her passion and knowledge of mental health skills. ​ Jill fervently believes in the inherent worth of all people – regardless of their past experiences. She is committed to shattering the stigma around mental health and is driven to provide all her clients with the skills needed to live a joyful life.

location-map Steamboat Springs, CO | (970) 436 9840

Accepting New Clients

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Are there common themes or patterns coming up in your life that aren’t shifting? Are you hoping to find more meaning or connection in life? In my 12 years of experience I offer knowledge, strategies, and ways to gain awareness and change. The environment I provide to my clients is one with honesty, openness, safety, and compassion. Therapy with me is a place to become curious and more aware about yourself and your relationships in order to shift the patterns that exist. I have specific training in EMDR, PACT couples therapy, and Neurofeedback. These have helped me assist individuals/families with trauma, anxiety, and relationship issues (parenting, intimacy, communication). I also utilize techniques from DBT, CBT, and ACT. I look forward to meeting you and hearing how I can help. Please feel free to call/email me with questions or to set up a free initial consultation. My website also offers additional information.