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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In East Granby, CT

location-map East Granby, CT | (475) 267 1858

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Hello, I’m Heather If you are seeking support from a therapist, you are in the right place. In my experience individuals can feel they have gotten stuck in the same routine trying the same thing over and over without gaining the outcome they were seeking. I value the importance of getting to know each individual I work with so that together we can develop an effective and achievable treatment plan. Together we can find new approaches to positively and directly impact the outcomes you seek. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist that has worked with a diverse population in various treatment settings. I specialize in working with families, adolescents, and couples. I focus my work on the belief that everyone is capable of change. We can work as a team to promote positive growth and overcome emotional conflict. Congratulations to you on taking the first step toward finding a clinician to work with. I would love to speak with you further to see if we are a good fit and would benefit from working with each other. I look forward to hearing from you!