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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mansfield Center, CT

location-map Mansfield Center, CT | (860) 266 4248

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Kindness. Letting Go. Acceptance. Patience. Trust. Peace. If these words resonate with you, you may benefit from an approach like mindfulness based cognitive behavioral therapy. With this approach you can practice being kind and accepting towards yourself, including your thoughts and feelings, while at the same time working towards understanding and changing any unhelpful beliefs, habits, or situations in your life. Modern life, with all its stress and busyness and commotion, seems to combine with our individual challenges, difficulties, and burdens to push our human minds and bodies past the point of health and wellness. By learning and practicing mindfulness meditation, breathing techniques, and practices based in neuroscience and Polyvagal theory, you can regularly elicit the relaxation response (the opposite of the stress response which modern living seems to be so well set up to produce), and take your physical and mental health into your own hands. If you are interested in learning more about my approach and how I could be of help on your path towards greater health and happiness, or if you have any questions, please call or email me to set up a consultation. Also, please look into my Instagram account at Yogease74 for more details. Thanks so much for your interest.

location-map Mansfield Center, CT

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English  |  español We are Change Counseling. Let us help you on your journey. We provide a holistic and non-judgmental approach to individual and couples therapy. View 7 Photos