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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In New Milford, CT

location-map New Milford, CT | (860) 717 4465

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Sometimes life can be challenging and reaching out for help can be difficult. Whether you are a child or an adult life can be overwhelming, which can result in losing focus on what is in your best interest. If you are a parent you may be feeling unsupported and confused about how best to help your child. We all can benefit from a little support during stressful times. As a therapist my goal is to work collaboratively with my clients to provide support and find practical solutions to assist in achieving a positive and balanced life. Your life’s journey matters and your story is important. I am here to help you navigate the bumps. I believe in the healing power of play for children, adolescents and yes for adults too. Emotions can be confusing and expressing emotions can be difficult. Play provides a non-threatening way to express oneself. My experiential approach to therapy creates a safe place where clients can explore issues while building a future that is personally rewarding. I often collaborate in sessions with one of my two canine co-therapists, Shannon and Takoda, both Approved Animal Assisted Play Therapy Dogs. Clients who have worked with the dogs have benefited from the therapeutic values of the human animal bond and the playful, gentle and supportive presence that both dogs bring to sessions.