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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In North Haven, CT
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North Haven, CT | (203) 212 9586

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We all know life can be tough, and this is especially true for adolescents and young adults in our increasingly turbulent world. My practice, Arete Psychological Services, is designed to address the special needs of adolescents, young adults, and their families. "Arete" is the ancient Greek word for excellence in all aspects of personhood. In the spirit of this idea, I am deeply committed to assisting young people capitalize on what is healthy and resourceful in their nature, in enabling them to use their existing abilities more effectively, to develop new life skills, and mature in positive directions. View 4 Photos I have had consistent success throughout Connecticut helping young people and their families. It is my goal and privilege to help adolescents and young adults regain control over their lives, define and pursue their genuine ambitions, and reconnect with the families that love and support them. As a registered yoga teacher as well as psychologist, I strive to be a holistic practitioner of the healing arts. Bringing together the best of both evidence-based western medicine and the power of historical and modern mindfulness approaches works to create equanimity of mind, emotional balance, and skillful living.

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