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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rocky Hill, CT

location-map Rocky Hill, CT | (860) 222 2175

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

There is a waitlist for new clients at this time. Welcome! I provide individual therapy to adults dealing with a variety of challenges including: anxiety, self-esteem, life transitions/adjustment issues, stress management, and attachment issues. Whether this is your first time seeking therapy or you have been in therapy before, it is important to choose a therapist that you feel connected to and has experience in treating the areas that align with your needs. I have experience working in a variety of settings including outpatient, intensive outpatient, state agencies, and schools. I have 9 years of experience working in the public school system and can provide meaningful support and understanding to educators and related services staff dealing with specific stressors in the work environment. Therapy is not a "one size fits all" approach. Each client deserves a treatment plan unique to their individual needs. With warmth, compassion, and a bit of humor, I aim to create a safe, supportive environment to help foster personal growth and healing.

location-map Rocky Hill, CT | (860) 901 7902

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Do you find yourself feeling anxious or unable to handle the stressors you are faced with? Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed, like you're on an emotional rollercoaster. Do you have unresolved trauma that you wish you could free yourself from? I understand how frightening and overwhelming it can feel to be in a place of uncertainty. At times you may feel hopeless things will ever get better. You may be feeling guilty for wanting to take care of yourself, frustrated for being unable to set boundaries with people in your life. I'm here to help you work through these issues so you can feel your best and be your best. You will learn relaxation & breathing exercises to use when your anxious feelings are taking control, mindfulness to keep your anxiety at bay. We will explore the ways you think & perceive situations, how they impact your mood. We will look at your beliefs, how they may be hindering you more than helping. We can also explore your trauma through EMDR. Taking the first step towards self-care can be hard. You don't have to feel alone in your journey. Together we can overcome these struggles. I would be honored to help you help yourself, to learn to have self-compassion and achieve serenity within yourself. Now is as good a time as any to start feeling better. I use Talk-Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness and EMDR.

location-map Rocky Hill, CT | (860) 470 4638

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

Are you feeling depressed, lonely, anxious, or irritable? Are you and your partner having the same argument over and over again? I have been helping individuals create positive changes in their lives for over 20 years. I provide a relaxed, strength-based, and solution-focused atmosphere to empower individuals to meet and exceed their goals. As a licensed therapist and a certified school counselor, I have had the opportunity to work with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families with various concerns and issues. These include anxiety, depression, OCD, alcohol and drug abuse, infidelity, divorce, school problems, and relationship / family conflicts. Having worked in and supervised many clinical programs, I developed an eclectic counseling approach which utilizes themes from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This method helps individuals to change and to develop more control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions. I am currently accepting new clients and I offer both evening and weekend appointments (including Sundays). Please contact me if you have ANY questions about my experience, philosophy, or treatment approach.

location-map Rocky Hill, CT | (860) 598 4824

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I have been a therapist for 25+ years treating numerous psychological issues & age groups. My clinical focus/expertise includes: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, relationship issues, severe trauma & grief/loss. My primary treatment approach utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (changing your thought response). My job isn't to fix but to assist you with learning positive/realistic coping skills, focusing on your strengths and offering constructive feedback to reduce the level of interference your struggles/beliefs have on you with an emphasis on acceptance, validation and empowerment at every stage of therapy. I have successfully treated eating disorders for over 23yrs: anorexia, bulimia & BED. I challenge clients to break through these destructive coping patterns, learn to be vulnerable & expose their emotions. I'm an interactive therapist- I will give you feedback, and challenge your thinking/behavioral patterns to increase self-acceptance & self-knowledge. Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) are unique in the manner that we view the entire environment vs. looking only at the presenting problem. Numerous events and people impact our lives, it is important to look at how you respond to these events as it relates to your personal struggle & adapting the therapy approach accordingly.