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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cooper City, FL

location-map Cooper City, FL | (954) 710 6858

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At times people find themselves feeling lost, without direction, unsure of themselves and the world around them. A relationship may end or begin, grief, the pressures of life, trauma, infidelity, divorce, and lack of self-worth can throw anyone off course. At Life's Directions Counseling Services we believe that every client has the innate ability to find their way and to create meaning in their lives. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist I have been honored to work with many individuals, couples, and families and assist them in navigating the twists and turns of life. As a trauma therapist trained in EMDR and other trauma-focused modalities I facilitate clients in learning to heal past hurts so that they can experience life more fully. Whether you are someone struggling with negative thoughts and lack of self-worth, a couple looking to work on communication or overcome an affair, or a family held hostage by unhealthy patterns and dynamics, we are here to help. Our team takes pride in our ability to create a safe space for clients to grow and overcome some of life's most difficult terrain.