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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Coral Springs, FL
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Coral Springs, FL | (542) 538 7093
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Your relationship is at a breaking point. You and your partner are emotionally distant, there’s a lack of intimacy, and you don’t want to feel alone anymore. Was there a promise to “change” but it seems like it never happened? Did the fight escalate? Do the fights always escalate? Was your trust shattered? You’re not sure what to believe and your anxiety is off the charts. Whether it’s rekindling the relationship, rebuilding trust, breaking those cycles, or just finding clarity for yourself, I’m here to help you through the process. View 3 Photos You can feel like a priority again. You can feel trust again. Change can actually last this time. I teach you tools to improve healthy communication, recreate the intimacy or find that sexual spark. I specialize in working with couples and relationship issues. I also have specific training on rebuilding trust & improving communication. I create a safe & non-judgmental space to unpack it all. I believe in being transparent and straight with you, while still being comforting and supportive. I offer virtual services to provide a more flexible schedule. I am accepting new clients and ready for your call.
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