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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Indian River, FL
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Indian River , FL | (772) 758 1396
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My clients are couples looking for help to envision or re-envision their future together. This includes high conflict couples, couples dealing with betrayal, and those simply wanting to enhance their relationship. My clients may be looking for an alternative to divorce, but they may also be pre-marital and hoping to assess the relationship and learn to handle interpersonal complexities. My specialty is helping couples reset their relationship despite difficulty, and/or to minimize future difficulties; in every case, to help them build the relationship they want. I offer feedback on how you two work together. I ensure that you have working agreements, and can work through problems that those agreements cause, or that breaking them has already caused. I will give you tasks to perform and help you identify the ways you can accomplish them better; working together, collaborating, helping you be happier. Reach out to me, Peter Jones Ed.D, LMFT for a 15- 20 minute consultation at no charge to hear more about details of how I work.
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