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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 3 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lake, FL
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At times life can be challanging & reaching out for support & assistance is necessary. Counseling is a way to have a non-judgemental professional help you manage your particular stresses & learn ways to cope. Whether its addressing past struggles or managing current ones appropriate treatment can help. You can improve relationships, overall health, focus & live happier! Bettina has several years of experience providing counseling.She is a mother, friend, & a real person who has the professional education & experience to assist you. Daytime, evenings appts provided via tele-therapy (online/video counseling) for individuals or couples Bettina has specialized training working with children, families, and trauma victims. During this Pandemic it is especially important to have a trauma focused therapist to provide you support and guidance! You want to also work to avoid panic and trauma during this challenging time and Bettina can help you with that! She provides in person therapy or tele-therapy (HIPPA compliant video/online counseling). Now a days we all have busy schedules, & getting out to drive through traffic, find parking & go to an appointment can be a burden. With tele-therapy you receive counseling in the convenience of your home.
SW7872 | Florida
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Have the past few years been mentally challenging for you? Have you been mentally impacted by the pandemic? Justin provides supports and strategies to help you address concerns for more balanced living. At times, we can tend to be harder on ourselves than the external world. We are all people, being. Let’s work together to help achieve your ideal self! Justin has a BA in Psychology and Masters in Mental Health Counseling. He has over 17years of non-profit experience and over 7years of counseling experience. He has worked as a Director for state funded agency. He is trained in ABA, has conducted mentoring groups for adults and children, works with with work-life balance, anxiety, depression, stress and more Justin Dantzler currently has availability on Saturday and Sunday morning / afternoons. Justin works with adults, young adults and the LGBTQ+ community. Justin offers individual, group, couples, and family counseling via tele-therapy (HIPPA compliant video/online counseling).
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