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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Land O Lakes, FL

location-map Land O Lakes, FL | (813) 285 7615

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I work intensively with my patients, meeting with each patient several days a week. With this frequency of sessions, and with a particular kind of listening that psychoanalysts are trained for, I can hear thoughts and feelings beyond the surface of the patient’s spoken comments, and this helps me help my patients identify unconscious forces from their past that are causing them to suffer. I am aware that psychological struggles take time to develop, and therefore it requires time and work to achieve desired changes. I offer a safe and confidential setting, where this work can take place, in privacy, and with respect. View 7 Photos I work with my patients to look at their current problems, and how these may be related to their life histories. As patients understand these links, they are gradually able to figure out new and different ways of thinking, feeling, and functioning, thus decreasing suffering and enhancing joy. All human beings struggle with various issues. Some struggles can be resolved by ourselves, or by connecting with family or friends. Other struggles are more challenging and we need professional help. Having gone through therapy/ psychoanalysis myself, I understand both the vulnerability and the courage it takes to reach out for help. Talking therapy helps!