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Today is March 13, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lee, FL
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After twenty years of working in technology, I left corporate life to become a licensed mental health counselor. My calling is to learn, embrace and teach Mindfulness, Acceptance and Compassion. It is my my mission to help clients be present with their thoughts without being at their mercy, and to help them connect and value themselves as a human "being", and not a human "doing". I am inspired to teach people how to treat themselves like a kind and loving friend and see that the critical judge in their head does not tell the truth and does not have their best interest at heart. My method is grounded in empathy and specified to your unique needs, preferences, and situations. My style is compassionate, collaborative, active and engaging. I infuse Mindful Self-Compassion and Positive Psychology into the work I do because when we trust ourselves to uncover strengths, we see they are the path to healing. In addition to being a therapist and coach, I am a funny, compassionate, positive energy source – A wife, friend, sister, daughter, yogi and parent to my rescue hound named Gouda.
MH13797 | Florida

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