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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Miramar Beach, FL

location-map Miramar Beach, FL | (720) 702 1453

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You’re overwhelmed by worry and self-doubt. Feelings of anxiety have intensified, and you do not know how to make it go away. You constantly worry about every little thing. You worry about if you’re doing your job well enough, what others think of you, maybe you should have not said that thing you said yesterday, and it goes on and on. Everyday is a battle of trying to keep it all together, and to do everything perfectly. You experience anxiety attacks from time to time, and you feel like you have no control. Your anxiety sometimes turns into anger, and you lash out on the people you love most. You can't live like this anymore. Anxiety does not have to rule your life. Imagine. Imagine being able to get out of your head and back into your life and breaking free from anxiety's grip. I help anxious individuals learn the skills to cope with their anxiety. Also, I lead clients into digging deeper to uncover and heal from trauma that is at the root of their anxiety. It is time to live your life free from anxiety. I utilize DBT, EMDR, and parts work to help clients find healing. I offer counseling through a Christian lens for those seeking it. Schedule a free phone-consultation today. Online booking is available on my website. I look forward to speaking with you.