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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Walton, FL

location-map Walton , FL | (918) 228 6845

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You were born to be loved, healthy and whole. Welcome to healing which is defined as “to make or become whole again; to restore to original purity in mind, body and spirit”. I know if you are reading this, you are considering healing and a change for yourself that will lead to a better quality of life and relationships. “It’s when we start working together, that the real healing takes place”, David Hume. If you are experiencing a life transition, loss, lack of purpose or feel exhausted all the time, you will benefit from believing you are worthy of a happy and healthier life, as well as learn some tools to get there. I am trained to provide EMDR therapy, a well-researched and effective therapy for trauma often taking power out of traumatic events that have happened in your life. It also provides the opportunity to “install” internal resources such as confidence, courage, and inner strength that you have and might not be connected to in a time of distress. I am dedicated to provide a place of safety, non-judgment, and trust to create a relationship that allows honesty, open mindedness and willingness (H.O.W.) which is essential for change. I respect your interest in therapy and look forward to talking with you about your unique needs so that you can begin the journey to healing.