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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Avondale Estates, GA

location-map Avondale Estates, GA | (678) 329 9355

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Am I losing my memory? Do I have Alzheimer's disease? How can I keep my mind sharp? These are questions that I hear on a regular basis from my clients. We launched CerebroFit Integrated Brain Health to address these questions. Our company is based on research showing that healthy behaviors such as exercise, good nutrition, and treating mental illness are linked to better memory and cognitive functioning as we age, and can even slow down or prevent Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. CerebroFit provides a unique opportunity for clients with concerns about their memory and thinking skills to not only receive a neuropsychological assessment, but to also receive science-based services that can promote brain health, such as personal training, nutrition consultation, psychotherapy, and health coaching. Contact us if you are concerned about your memory or thinking skills, or if you are interested in starting and maintaining a brain healthy lifestyle. We are here to help!