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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bibb, GA
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Are you struggling to live up to your fullest potential? Do you feel like there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be? We would like to help you! We do not believe anyone is frozen in the current chapter of their life if they are willing to creatively free themselves from that situation. Whether you or someone you care about has a mental illness (i.e. PTSD, Depression, Anxiety) or if you just feel like you need help resolving some issues in your life, we have a team of people that are here to help. View 4 Photos Our clinicians have a variety of experiences with children, teens and adults. We believe in offering person-centered therapy, because we recognize that every person has a unique story that requires a specialized focus to complete their healing journey. We have in-person and virtual options available, so feel free to reach out and request the option that works best for you. For the Telehealth sessions, we use a HIPPA complaint app so that our sessions will be secure. Please reach out to us for more info!
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