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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Crisp, GA
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At Acacia Life Therapy, our mission is to empower individuals to achieve mental and emotional longevity through expert, compassionate care. Drawing inspiration from the Acacia tree, revered in ancient Egypt as a symbol of resilience, protection, enlightenment, and renewal. In the same vein as the Acacia's steadfast presence spanning across diverse landscapes, we aim to cultivate an environment where resilience is not merely a trait but a way of life, where the spirit thrives even amidst adversity, echoing the enduring legacy of the revered Acacia tree through the ages. We specialize in Individualized Therapy in a confidential and professional 100% HIPPA approved virtual sessions with Clinically Licensed Clinicians. We currently accept a variety of Insurance plans, Please contact us for more details on accepted insurance providers.
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