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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jasper, GA

location-map Jasper , GA | (770) 282 4278

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My clients may be struggling with a variety of issues commonly including sexually compulsive behavior, relational challenges, unresolved trauma, substance abuse, or codependency. Many of my clients have are engaged in a healing and recovery process from their struggles, but desire a deeper dive into their recovery and understanding of self. Their general goals are to overcome not only the symptoms that brought them to treatment but also what drives those symptoms. Clients seeing me are in need of a therapist who is specifically qualified for their needs & can be up-front and direct while also being compassionate and non-judgmental. With training as a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), I am trained in a comprehensive model for treating sex addiction. I am also a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT) for working with betrayal trauma. I use both Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Brainspotting (BSP) as my primary models for treating trauma. If you are ready to address your current struggles and begin the healing and recovery process, I would be honored to guide you in that journey. It takes a great deal of courage to reach out and trust someone with your innermost challenges. If you are ready to be vulnerable and take that step, reach out to me today. I am certain you will be glad you did.