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Today is March 13, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Muscogee, GA

location-map Muscogee , GA | (706) 203 2675

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I have a passion for working with those who need answers and guidance to navigate through life issues. I join with my clients and utilize known therapeutic methods to help them create more fulfilled lives. As a therapist, I will work with you to help uncover your true potential, and assist you in creating the life you desire. As a counselor I specialize in working with adolescents and adults who have suffered traumatic experiences. I also specialize in stress management, and secondary traumatic stress. I am also a Certified Anger Management Specialist. I specialize in assisting the LGBTQ into transition into the community by using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and offering group sessions for this population. Working with adolescents and adults who suffer trauma in their lives. I work with LGBT adolescents and adults with transitioning into the community and the workforce. Offering Adolescent Anxiety Group Other services include: Corporate Workshops, Group Facilitation, Consulting, Public Speaking engagements, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution services. Adolescent Anxiety Groups