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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Port Wentworth, GA

location-map Port Wentworth, GA | (912) 491 3234

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Juwana Taylor has worked with clients struggling with anxiety, thought and mood disorders, re-orienting them to reality and building real-world, evidenced-based coping skills. If you have been struggling with life’s many difficulties, you are not alone! Millions of people deal with mental health concerns and overwhelming daily stress. Juwana has over 15 years of experience working with adults and adolescents. Using a combination of CBT, DBT, solution-focused brief therapy, and client-driven interventions, Juwana works to offer support that is tailored to your individual needs. Juwana can help you understand what can be done to improve your situation; in turn, leading to changes that enhance healthy behavior. This means working toward improving relationships, expressing emotions better and/or thinking more positively. Juwana would love to partner with you in developing healthy coping skills to aid in dealing with stressful life events, the impact of trauma, and specific mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.