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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sugar Hill, GA
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Sugar Hill, GA | (678) 995 5540
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Life can be a roller coaster of experiences, and sometimes it's a tough ride. Have you ever thought, “Why is my life so difficult?” My role as your therapist is to provide a safe and empathetic space where you can share your past hurts, fears, and dreams without judgment. Whether you've experienced trauma, are struggling with substance use, or battling anxiety and depression, I am dedicated to using evidence-based therapies to help you find your path to healing. I offer trauma-informed care in a safe, nurturing environment and can help facilitate your healing through the use of EMDR therapy. You don’t have to do this alone. Reaching out is a brave step toward building the future you want. I look forward to supporting you on your path to recovery, growth, and well-being.
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