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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Villa Rica, GA

location-map Villa Rica, GA | (678) 498 6529

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Hello and welcome to my virtual therapy space! My name is Nicole, and I would love to chat with you about what has led to you seek out support through therapy. Often when I ask that question, I hear responses such as, "I feel overwhelmed by everything," "I worry about everything and can't seem to turn it off," "I don't want to do anything or be around people anymore" or "this really bad thing happened to me." If you ever have these types of thoughts, then this might be a good space to talk about and work through those thoughts and feelings. When you enter into my therapy space, it is a safe space that is private, confidential, and free of judgement. I use a strengths based approach to work with individuals (ages 9+) who need support with learning about and managing depression, anxiety, ADHD, and trauma. I also believe in activating natural support groups, and may offer family sessions. Reaching out for support through therapy can feel scary and uncomfortable at first, but the benefits and growth with the right therapist can be immeasurable. Reach out today to begin your journey towards wellness! Take care and be well!