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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jasper, IA

location-map Jasper , IA

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From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

080197 | Iowa

location-map Jasper , IA | (319) 343 5180

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Therapy dissects life occurrences and issues and identifies the obstacles that may be limiting personal performance. Once the obstacles are identified, emotional growth can occur through a process of learning to adapt or removing negative thinking. My job, as a therapist, is to support my clients' feelings and thoughts, while at the same time to encourage the transformation of those emotions and thoughts toward the pursuit of a fuller, more satisfying life. I address what emotional stability means and how to approach achieving what your imagery of an ideal life is. I utilize harm reduction techniques and EMDR in order to hone in on the negative thought processes that act as road blocks, that ultimately prevent the achievement of goals. I seek to understand each person in their own right as an individual seeking treatment, willing to share the intimate details of their life and trust me to find understanding and meaning. I can provide tools and skills which assist you in living your best life.