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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Storm Lake, IA
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Storm Lake, IA | (234) 409 4154
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If you’ve ever thought about starting therapy, now is a great time and I am ready to work with you wherever you are on your journey. My therapy sessions are provided in a warm and welcoming environment, where you will be accepted no matter what. I serve clients of all ages and I am able to meet you in person or through virtual therapy. I specialize in play-based therapies with kids, and there is nothing I love more than working with children. I am always amazed at how kids are able to communicate through play even when they might not know the words to describe their feelings yet. Ready to get started? Reach out today by giving me a call or sending an email. I look forward to hearing from you!
Storm Lake, IA | (712) 357 8454
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Life can bring many challenges, struggles, and difficult times. All of us have had seasons when we felt stuck and hopeless and in need of a starting point for healing and recovery. Very often, the past is present in disruptive ways, making it difficult to enjoy the moment or causing damage to our relationships. Sometimes worries can become consuming and we find ourselves simply surviving, instead of thriving. My passion is to walk alongside you, offering evidence-based treatment approaches, as you discover and embrace the life you want to live.
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Have a chat with our friendly chatbot, Bee. Bee gets to know YOU – who you are, what you’re dealing with, and more. Then, we use AI to match you with the therapists you’re most likely to have Therapeutic Alliance with and most likely to have success with.