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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bonneville, ID
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Bonneville , ID | (986) 529 4054
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From 0 Reviews
You’re lying in bed next to your partner, but it feels like there’s an unbridgeable gap between you. Lately, it’s as though you’re just roommates. You tolerate each other and have built a functional life together, but something integral is missing. There’s no passion anymore, and the romance has all but disappeared. When you try to discuss these issues, it always seems to devolve into a screaming match. Neither of you is having your needs met. You’ve both become so locked into your family roles that there appears to be no way out. You’re not ready to give up, but you don’t know how much longer you can go on like this. You need help. View 5 Photos That’s why I’m here. In a safe space, you’ll learn new techniques for conflict resolution and building communication skills, informed by the Gottman method. Through our work together, you’ll free yourself from the destructive patterns holding you in place. As you begin trusting each other again, you’ll find that the love you’ve wanted was here all along. Put the spark back in your relationship! Regain your connection and sense of shared purpose. Live with the assurance your partner has your back no matter what and is there to help you build your dreams. Enjoy each day knowing you were meant for each other and can overcome any obstacle together. Call now for your free consultation, and get started today!
Bonneville , ID | (986) 766 4388
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In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way. - YODA / I have worked in the mental health field for almost 13 years. Beyond high school, I started at Idaho State University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in music and then received my Masters degree from Northwest Nazarene University. Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. - Yoda / I have an innate ability to understand kids and teens. I love watching them learn about themselves, solve their own problems and grow into what they want to be. Happiness is a warm puppy. - Charles M. Shulz / My counseling partner, Lola, is a 6 year old Schnoodle who enjoys playing fetch, chasing birds and squirrels and also rolling around in whatever smells good to her at the time. Her favorite quotes are "Wanna go outside?" - Mom, and "Wanna go home?" - Mom, and "You want a treat?" - Anyone
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